To my half sister
By Nijay
If this was my last day on earth, and I would have to write a letter to somebody it could be to my little sister. I said my little sister because she will always pick up the phone when I need to talk or listen. I feel like I have to get something else off my chest. My sister's 9 and I’m 15, so the talks we be having you would think she’s my age. I also chose my little sister because I haven't seen her since January, 2024. I don't talk to my mom for many reasons and 1 of them is because she's a lying manipulating Hefa.. Sorry not sorry but my time sister still always play a huge role in my life. She wouldn't let me walk out the house looking any way, going somewhere without my hair done, and if I got a problem with some girls she always gonna back my play, it don't matter how old they is.